Thursday, March 22, 2012

Knit a Uterus Now

Don't feel comfortable asking your man to show his support for reproductive rights?  Knit?

Here's a daffy new way to express your support for affordable and accessible contraception: 

Knit a uterus and send it to your elected representative. plans to send these knitted uteruses to male representatives.  Their message is "Dear Men in Congress: If we knit you a uterus, will you stay out of ours?  Hands off my uterus! Here’s one of your own!"

To my mind, the message should also include those two important words:

I vote.

Also, female politicians also vote against reproductive choice, for example, Florida Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. They may need their own knitted uteruses.

Not sure who voted how?  NARAL has a handy interactive map showing how congresspeople voted on choice issues in 2011.

You can find instructions for your own textile art here.   Even if you don't know the difference between a knit and a purl, let your elected representatives know how you feel about reproductive choice.

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